Tree Spirit (Artist Shane Christensen)

Tree Spirit (Artist Shane Christensen)

Shane is a Eumundi based artist who uses chain saws and traditional carving techniques to make nature inspired sculptures. The work he makes is varied from smaller animals, to native beehive habitats and surf boards, his latest work will incorporate a large log from the original Tree Place tree. This work is entitled Tree Spirit and uses the universal connection of people and the tree spirits to bring this ancient log to life. A Native Stingless Bee Hive (from Sugar Bag Bees) will be incorporated into this sculpture.

The Tree Spirit Sculpture will have a permanent home at the Wan’din’in Arts Space at the back of the Discover Eumundi Building, 73 Memorial Drive Eumundi. Shane will be carving this work on the 7th and 8th December 2017 at Sunspace Café corner of Beddington  & Noosa Eumundi Road Doonan. Everyone is welcome to grab a cuppa and stop by to watch some of the action.

This project is generously funded by the  Eumundi and District Historical Association through ‘Arts and Culture Eumundi’.

More information and interviews with Shane can be found

Or to contact Shane about future works Call 0407 933 119

And to learn more about the native bees this website is full of resources, links and information.

Thanks to Arts and Culture Eumundi and the Discover Eumundi Centre for their support.

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